+34 93 840 55 45 (Barcelona)   -   +34 94 446 73 11 (Bilbao)

Buying guide

The minimum legal age required to purchase in our website is 18 years.

Our accepted payment methods are:

  • Card payment
  • Wire transfer

In order to identify wich order the transfer corresponds to, it is necessary to indicate the order number as the concept of the transfer.

Payment by transfer requires a voucher to expedite the validation process, please send a copy of the transfer receipt to efactura@factorpotencia.com.


We would also like to remind you that you can still place your orders through the usual means.

By mail to sales@factorpotencia.com. Please indicate the product desired, the pertinent informatio of your company and the delivery adress. One of our sales representatives will contact you.

Ba phone call to 93 840 55 45.

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